What is the Feldenkrais MethodTM ?
Improve your movement, improve your life
The Feldenkrais Method is a form of somatic movement education developed by Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais (1904-1984). Dr. Feldenkrais was reputable physicist, engineer, and Judo master who drew on his scientific knowledge about the structure and function of the human body and his rich experience as a martial arts educator to develop techniques to help people acquire diversity and freedom in their movement. Feldenkrais recognized that life cannot be divorced from movement; every process taking place inside or outside our bodies, from the function of individual cells at a microscopic level to bowing a violin, happens through movement. His hands-on work demonstrated the power of exploratory movement for unlocking the astounding ability of the central nervous system to integrate sensory input from touch and movement into adaptive, reactive, and spontaneous organization of functional movement. Over the course of his career he refined sensory-motor education techniques to capitalize on this plasticity of the nervous system, helping people improve their lives by improving the quality of their movement. Two ways to learn
There are two complementary ways to experience The Feldenkrais Method:
Hear Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner Lavinia Plonka explain the Feldenkrais Method and how it helped her with chronic pain.